''Dare to be a Daniel, Dare to stand alone; Dare to have a purpose true, and Dare to make it known."
Many Christian leaders are still in the snare/ trap, cowed by the fear of man.
The Bible declares that "the fear of man brings a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe". Proverbs 29:25. I am now out of the snare/ trap!
We need "Daniels" in ministry leadership. These are the ones who understand the conclusion of Ecclesiastes, "This is the conclusion - fear God, and keep His commandments". Eccl 12:13
Note that the conclusion of Ecclesiastes does not say, "Fear man, and keep the traditions". That is what the Pharisees did, and that is how they controlled others. See Mark 7:1-13.
In JBDC, we want to raise "Daniels" : Men and women, and young people who only fear God. Who do what is right IN GOD'S SIGHT.
May the tribe of GOD-FEARERS increase. And may the tribe of MAN-FEARERS decrease.
Newsletter from Rev. MGG, Sep 14, 2018