How do we honor God in our career?
I wake up in the morning with a start. I know its not yet 6 am, but for some reason I can't go back to sleep. My chest thrums with pain, dreading what the coming hours will bring.
Work. Or more specifically, my current job.
Before we go any further, I would like to clarify that I am by no means advocating that one should not work unless it is "God's work." We are certainly not to give the excuse of not bringing food to the table that we "are doing God's work." We see in the Bible that man was given responsibility to tend to God's creation, and we also understand that in this fallen world, work is under a curse such that we cannot find true fulfillment in it.
Instead today, I would like to discuss something that is perhaps a little too close to my heart: where is the line of balance between our work in the world and the work for the Father's world? Growing up, I have seen the heartbreak and sorrow that has stolen senior Christians away from the church as they climbed up the corporate ladder, and the love of God slowly fade due to the toll of the work on them.
Having just started off in the working world, I realize my opinions may be skewed towards the ideal. Nevertheless, I would like to offer my thoughts to the brethren that have not yet picked their career path and are standing at the crossroads. My hope is that through these thoughts, they may be more prepared to face the working world.
Seek God when choosing your next step in education.
Yes, I know, cliché. However, take a second look at society today and you will see that this is much harder to do. In Asia, scoring A's, getting into good schools, maintaining a good CGPA and getting into "elite" courses are lifted nearly to idolatrous levels. When placed in a competitive school and surrounded with people that chase these things, it is easy to be conformed to these things and forget that if we "(s)eek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you." (Mt 6:33,34)
I cannot suggest a specific method, because I myself was caught in this idolatry growing up - part of the reason why I am in my current situation. My suggestion is to make this a daily prayer: ask each day, "Lord, what is it that you wish me to do in this world?"
Ask and Use Discernment
Growing up in Asia, you are told that Science stream is better than Arts, that Professional courses are better than other courses, and that Medicine is the king of all career pathways. Looking at the current condition of our education, is it any wonder that many young doctors and health professionals face so much worries and are in danger of burning out?
I would like to encourage you who are still in secondary school - don't buy into those lies. Instead, take the time to find opportunities to learn what you are truly interested, and then to build on those interests. With the availability of the Web and Youtube, it is not hard to build your skills through online classes and videos.
However, there is a price tag - you will probably be spending more time than your peers doing these things to the point where you may not have much of "a life" compared to others. In these times, it is also a good reminder and encouragement to know that we are not looking to build a memorable life just here on earth, but we are working towards a longer future beyond the veil of death. And at the same time, remember to commit your plans to God, for He will direct your paths; apart from our limited understanding, we can do little to nothing (Prov 3:5,6).
Do your best, leave the rest to God
A big challenge I face currently is the need to succeed and pass my assessments well - something I am struggling with for certain reasons. Now, this may be irresponsible of me to say, but - when struggling, just do your best. God will take care of the rest.
I remember a Christian friend of mine in college. A comment that was frequently heard was that the person worked hard, but rarely produced outstanding results. The person was never on the Dean's list, nor will you see the person being commended often. However, perhaps something I never did realize is that the person may have very well kept on this path and this train of thought - that if we honor God, He will honor us though that honor may not be visible in the world (1 Sam 2:30).
Often when faced with failure, we tend to throw our hands in despair and be tempted to just give in. However, it is when we choose to stand and fight that we find the strength to execute our responsibility given - not by our strength, but by God's.
This is our Father's World
In the end, whether we may or may not be in a job that we love right now, one thing does not change - that we are in our Father's world, doing His will. As such, our role is not so much dependent on how much we earn or how much time we spend in work, but how much of our hearts are devoted to Him in the process.
While this job may not be my first choice, I give thanks to God that through the few months in it I have experienced the depth of my need for Him and have learnt to lean on Him in my journey. Each day, I find comfort in lying down in His presence, as He places a table for me in the presence of my enemies and my cup overflows. (Psalms 23) As such, I am convinced that even though I know not how long I will walk this path, He is beside me until He brings me into another. The work is weary, and often burdensome - but we can rest our promise that if come to Him, He will give us rest (Mt 11:28,29)
But to do that, I need to wake up and prepare for the work ahead.